Retired by 40, a phrase created to kill you faster !

Image from google, He is fine.

How many of us know two people, both of the same age but one looks significantly older than the other. Could be for many reasons, genetics, or the main reason people look so much older than they are these days is because they lack rest, proper nutrition and the number one thing SLEEP. Capitalism has left lots of people walking zombies, as a member of the black community, I see lots of men, one which I know personally who just cannot get enough. People are uneducated about many things, but one person tells them to jump, and since most people trust others more than they trust themselves, especially with that lack of education on the subject itself, they jump and really high.

It all slows down when we slow down, if people weren’t constantly trying to keep up with every trend and everything going on, killing themselves for the purpose of savings and investing and retiring at 40, the world would not be how it is today. After all, we run the world, the world don’t run us.

Recently, I was scrolling on Instagram and I saw a post of a 83 year old black man who looked so strong, healthy and sexy I was mesmerized. I thought how could it be? The number one thing for most people aging and looking old and saggy and weak before their time is stress, you work hard earn all that money and then you invest it somewhere they tell you to, and when it goes down you panic when it goes up you smile and the hope continues, in a constant state on uncertainty and stress, all in the hopes that your money will “one day” increase so much that you will be able to retire early. News flash baby, you never get to retire, as long as you are living and you have air in you lungs and you are breathing ad well, you got to work period. there is no such thing as retiring, you will always need your basic need, food, water and shelter and more than likely you will need money to have those because of the world we live in today. So get that idea out of your head, take better care of yourself, sleep more, read, do things you love, turn that passion and love into a business make money and enjoy the one life you have to live.

All people do these days, is put out one bullshit story after the next, and it never really is for your benefit, it is simply because they are getting paid to do so, capitalism at work. Do not be fooled, you do not have to be rich to be happy, the most joy and experience you ever get from the world is living simply, being alive in the streets of your community, loving and being kind. That’s all that really matters. Let the self help gurus, keep all the money and when they die they can spend it in heaven.

To conclude, I hope you’re having the best day, being the best you and living your best life, and as always stay kind!.



Annezela Christa Faith 🍀💞

Seeing the world through many perspectives! I will share my stories, as I am restless and curious, have an extremely vivid imagination and my thoughts valid